Load Rating
Modjeski and Masters has a great deal of experience with performing load ratings for all bridge types on all levels of complexity. This includes, but is not limited to, trusses, gusset plates, connections, arches, and substructures. The ratings can be performed using the Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) Method using the latest edition of the Manual for Bridge Evaluation and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. In some cases however, using the Load Factor Method (LFM) in accordance with the AASHTO Standard Specifications is prudent depending on the specific conditions for a bridge. Modjeski and Masters has extensive experience with all rating methods.
For a typical project, the latest inspection reports will be reviewed and the as-inspected conditions will be used to model each of the structures and included as part of the rating. Proper application of section loss is critically important to the outcome of load rating results and our extensive load rating experience will lead to accurate rating analyses. For structural members on the threshold of required load posting, or possible repair, instrumentation and the use of a test vehicle (of known load), as well as higher order analysis may indicate a more efficient load distribution than traditional methods.