Forensic Investigation
Modjeski and Masters has completed several major bridge failure investigations over its 125-year history. Beginning with the investigation of the Silver Bridge collapse in 1967, in which M&M lead the investigation which eventually resulted in the adoption of mandatory bridge inspections in the United States, M&M has been involved in collapse and failure investigations of bridges of all types, including cable supported structures, trusses, and girders. We have extensive experience working as part of multi-disciplinary teams, combining our knowledge of bridge behavior and complex analysis with materials and geotechnical experts to quickly get to the root causes of bridge failures.
- Code Development: M&M led the development of the AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design Bridge specifications and a variety of bridge specifications and bridge research. Our engineers have an in-depth understanding of how simple and complex bridges are designed and respond to load. They can make determinations if a structure has been properly design for erection and permanent loading.
- Emergency Response: M&M has responded to: secure facilities from further damage or loss; provide site detail repairs for temporary or permanent return to service; and to investigate/document incidents.
- Investigations: M&M is often contacted to investigate accidents to determine their causes, develop retrofit details, and offer advice on what measures can be taken to prevent future occurrences. Our engineers often provide expert witness testimony.
Contact us to learn how we can help your agency.