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Milford-Montague Toll Bridge Rehabilitation

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Soon after it opened in 1953, the Milford-Montague Toll Bridge was selected as one of the ten most beautiful bridges by the American Institute of Steel Construction. Based on recent inspection findings, the client decided a major rehabilitation was necessary. Moreover, there were restrictions: construction work had to be maximized outside of the tourist seasons while minimizing, or eliminating, the amount of time the bridge would be closed.

The rehabilitation process began with an in-depth bridge inspection and structural analysis, which was supported by an aggressive public involvement effort. As part of the inspection process, our in-house instrumentation group was deployed to determine more accurately the level of effort needed for the rehabilitation. Modjeski and Masters' instrumentation work, linked with an advanced level of structural analysis, yielded findings that minimized the construction effort and impact on the traveling public. Working with the public and the client to minimize bridge closures, we selected precast deck panels for use in redecking the bridge. This allowed bridge strengthening and repainting, along with replacing the toll plaza, to progress with very short and intermittent 15 to 30-minute closures. Within the duration of this project, the FHWA required an evaluation of gusset plates due to a recent major bridge collapse. Our bridge engineers evaluated the gusset plates to satisfy FHWA requirements while still meeting existing project deadlines. Construction for the bridge rehabilitation was completed ahead of schedule at a cost that did not exceed our engineer’s estimate. 

Bridge Geometry
Length of Main Spans 300 Feet
Total Project Length 1,150 Feet
Lanes on Structure Two lanes

…The investment made in rehabilitating this critical span does more than update a piece of transportation infrastructure, it helps secure a brighter future for this entire region…

-Frank G. McCartney, Executive Director, Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission
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