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I-57 and I-24 Bridge Navigation and Aviation Obstruction Lighting

Modjeski and Masters was selected to provide final design, plans, specifications, and construction estimates for the replacement of both the existing navigation lighting system and the aviation obstruction lighting system on the I-57 Bridge over the Mississippi River near Cairo, Illinois and the I-24 Bridge over the Ohio River in Metropolis, Illinois.

These projects also included the design of a new lightning protection systems, installation of reflective panels on the river piers adjacent to the navigation channel, and replacement of the existing conduit and wiring servicing the navigation and aviation obstruction lighting, as required. New lighting systems utilized LED lights. 

M&M coordinated with the U.S. Coast Guard to identify lighting requirements specific to these bridges and bring each structure’s navigation plan to current standards. M&M also coordinated with the Federal Aviation Administration to facilitate each Notice of Alteration and obtain approval of the new aviation obstruction lighting systems.

Bridge Geometry
Lengths of Main Spans 820 feet (I-57) and 630 and 730 feet (I-24)
Total Project Length 3,035 feet (I-57) and 4,976 (I-24) feet
Lanes on Structures 4
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