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I-12 at LA-447 Interchange Roadway Lighting Design Project

As part of the Louisiana Department of Transportation Bridge Preservation Retainer Contract, M&M was selected to prepare final plans, specifications, photometric calculations and a construction cost estimate for the I-12 @ LA 447 Interchange which includes two roundabouts.

The project involved the design of roadway lighting at the I-12 interchange in Walker, LA. The design included providing roadway lighting for two roundabouts at the ramp terminals and was coordinated with the local government agencies as well as the electrical utility company in order to provide desired aesthetics and provide an optimum, low-maintenance lighting system. M&M performed a photometric analysis of the interchange conforming to LADOTD Illumination Standards. M&M developed plans & construction estimates and provided construction-related engineering services including shop drawing review and field inspections. 

Project Details
Total Length 8,200 feet
Features Two Roundabouts at I-12 on/off ramp terminals; 77 HPS Luminaires incorporating existing high mast lighting

... M&M was tasked by LaDOTD under two separate contracts, respectfully, to provide essential roadway lighting engineering and construction support services and successfully re-engineered a new fully functional lighting system final accepted by the LaDOTD.

-Michael Armentor, Illumination & Facilities Electrical Engineer, LADOTD
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