With urban expansion, traffic on the vital Well Road overpass has steadily increased, necessitating a replacement. LADOTD looked to Modjeski and Masters to design a replacement.
M&M provided preliminary and final design services for the replacement of the entire I-20 overpass superstructure using accelerated construction methods. To eliminate long-term construction and closures on the overpass, our innovative solution resulted in an abbreviated construction phase – a single weekend. Prior to the change-out, the new replacement spans were erected on-site at a staging area within the interchange. In addition, substructure units were strengthened while the existing superstructure remained opened to traffic. Next, self-propelled modular transporters (SPMTs) were used to remove the old spans and roll-in the new spans. During the weekend lane closure period, interstate traffic was routed through the interchange ramps. M&M also provided traffic control plans, special provisions, and LRFR rating of the structure. This was the first time that SPMTs were specified during the design of a bridge replacement project for the LADOTD. Despite inclement weather, the project was successfully completed one day ahead of schedule.
For more information, see our project documentary film on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YYbWHghs-Xw
Bridge Description
Span Lengths | 55 to 85 Feet |
Total Project Length | 262 Feet |
Lanes on Structure | Two lanes |