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Big Spring Road Bridge Replacement

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Bridging the many waterways in Cumberland County, PA has been a challenge for decades. Many of the existing bridges that were constructed in the early 20th century have begun to deteriorate. The Big Spring Road Bridge is no exception. Constructed in 1932, the short span bridge has served the community well during its lifetime, but years of use have necessitated a replacement. As active partners, Modjeski and Masters' (M&M) knowledgeable staff worked with PennDOT, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, local residence and other stakeholders to design a functional, low-impact replacement structure necessary for this High-Quality Spring.

The proposed replacement structure is a two-lane, single-span pre-stressed spread box bridge along a similar alignment. Our technical experts developed a comprehensive solution to meet current engineering standards and improve safety. This includes widening the bridge to two 10-ft travel lanes and two 1.5-ft shoulders. The bridge will be skewed to the northwest to improve the alignment of the bridge with the existing roadway. The existing grade will also be raised approximately two feet from the existing profile. M&M worked collaboratively with various stakeholders and local residents to successfully provide the community with a quality designed bridge.

Bridge Geometry
Length of Main Span 56 Feet
Total Project Length 56 Feet
Lanes on Structure Two Lanes
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